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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-19-2005 at 10:22am
Current mood: cheerful
Music: Some random radio station Jungkind has on.
Subject: Blahg!!
Yep, I'm in chemistry. Jungkind said we could do what we want... so I'm updating. Finally!! I haven't updated this in forever!!

So, we had a game yesterday. Double-header. We won the first game and lost the 2nd. Both were fairly high scoring games though! BOMB DIG!

Yep, I got my academic letter! That's right. Who's good? Me... oh yea. Our whole team is smart... all my friends too! Greatness. Really it is.

Okay, I'm gonna' stop boring you now. I'll see ya' later all. Mucho amor para ti.

-Jacquelyn Jean-
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05-19-05 10:48am

You sicken me flag twirler.

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Re:, 05-31-05 4:40pm

yea, well rob's gonna' teach me trombone and then i'm going to invade your section! So HA!!

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