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whispers (profile) wrote,
on 6-7-2005 at 11:27pm
Subject: [ good lord ]

june 9th - no idea what time yet.. probably early.. like 11. me and a few peoples are going to grand haven. beach party, baby! if you wanna go, you're more than welcome to. if you wanna call me to.. just call me for whatever reason, go ahead. my number is 822-3566. get at me if you wanna go too cause.. the more people, the more fun it'll be.

So, I've been approached by some people in the past asking me questions about Jill. I can honestly say that I've grown up, accepted the fact that she's going to just throw away our friendship for some guy, and I'm livin life without her. I guess she's been tellin people I haven't even tried to be her friend at all, and try to work somethin out, but that's not true at all. I've been over to her house to grab stuff, and drop stuff off.. and we talk. and since i'm a sarcastic bitch, i'm going to mention how kevin told her to never talk to me. that should've been the first sign to say "whoa, who does this dude think he is?" but whatever, Jill won't look at a guy like that. She'll see a guy that likes her, and that's it. He can disrespect her, her family, and her friends all he wants.. as long as he will kiss her or what not. It's just the way Jill is. People are like that. It's annoying, because you can only take so much shit from a guy, and I've sworn I would never lower myself for a guy. ever. It's her deal if she wants to just say forget it with me and be with her lil boyfriend. I'm not the only way saying she's been just completey ignoring me. I can name plenty of people who see it as well. I've thought that maybe I was the way doing something wrong, but I've been told that I'm doing it the smart way. Jill wants her time with Jacki, TJ, and Kevin, and will just completey ignore me when I'm in talking distance, then I'm going to let her do her thing.
On a better note, I think i died last night lol. I got home from work, and got online for like maybe.. a hour tops. Then i remember walking to my room and laying down in my bed at 9:15 this morning. I know i was not online the whole night. It was.. weird. I don't even remember going downstairs. Oh well. I was so tired lol. I stayed up all night with J the other night (bad bad bad i know lol), and then when I was working, if i stopped for any longer than like.. a few minutes, I was going to collapse.

Oh, then like yesterday at 10:05, these people walked in and wanted to order a cake. Okay.. seriously, we're closed and you still want to order a cake, that's fine... make it quick. They toook FOREVER. And the guy was a dick. He was like "make sure it's like this.. and dont write it like that, they'll mis-understand it. are you gonna be watching them make this?" The chick was nice, but the dude wasn't. Fugly old man.

Okay, so i'm done, i presume. I'm going to get something to eat, then i'm going to.. clean my room a little.
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06-08-05 5:39pm

If You Know Your Doing Your Best With Your Friendship With Jill, Don’t Let Other People Get To You. Only You Know How Hard Your Working To Make It Work.

But Also Remember That Not Everyone Is Meant To Be "Best" Friends. Or Maybe You Guys Just Need A Break From Each Other. That’s What Me And Jordan [Have] To Do Every Once In Awhile, And It Seems To Be Working For Us. Their Is A Lot Of Ways Besides [Waiting For The Other To Do Something] To Fix Your Guys Friendship. Just Need A Imagination, Hope, And Faith.

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