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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-15-2005 at 7:55pm
Current mood: aggravated
Music: TV
I want to strangle her! She just doesn't get how good she has it!!! How could she do that? How!? She's not like her cousin... she's not like that at all. She doesn't do things like this. UGH! I just don't get it. And now to treat him the way she is! I love him SO much! He is one of my best friends now! I couldn't live my life if he wasn't there. It just wouldn't work. She's so lucky to have him. Ya' know... it's funny, I used to think that he was lucky to have her too. Now I think he deserves better. When she told me this stuff I broke down completely. I didn't know what to do. Now she's going back on it... mostly cuz I freaked out at her, I think. I just don't know what to think.

My head hurts constantly... not a day goes by that I don't take Tylenol at least once. I think I'm too stressed. Maybe my surgery will be a good thing. It's making me chill for a while. At least that part's good.

Anyway, I should go now. Love and hugs all. Muuwwwaaahh. Chao my people.

-Jacquelyn Jean-
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06-15-05 9:34pm

just woop her ass.SMAck you willl not talk to my friends like that understand bitch and really give it ALL YOU got on the bitch and grab her by the hair when you say it

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06-15-05 11:19pm

thank you jacqui... you really are an awesome friend

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06-21-05 11:17am

Apparently I have missed a whole lot. Jacqui we really need to talk. This will no short conversation. We have a lot to talk about between my life and yours. So by the way who is this she that you are talking about? Hey, by the way what are you doing on Saturday? Anyway, I should go now.
-Katherine Joy-

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