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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-21-2005 at 12:49pm
Current mood: annoyed
Subject: Every day is a winding road.
I feel bad. Why do I feel bad? Because I left her. Because no matter how stupid she was being I shouldn't have just left her alone to deal with it. I should've given her someone to talk to, been a shoulder to cry on. I should've helped her through it. I shouldn't have just ignored her. I needed to talk to him though. I needed him to know that he was loved, and that I didn't approve of what she did. But I still feel bad. Worse now than before. Ugh. I'm a horrible friend. This sucks.
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06-21-05 1:02pm

You are an amazing friend. You have always been there for me and for everyone else. You really can't beat yourself up about this. Anyway I'm sure A will understand and you two will work it out. You ARE NOT a horrible friend!!!! I love ya tons!!!
-katherine joy-

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