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sugarjackj (profile) wrote,
on 2-10-2003 at 7:17pm
Current mood: devious
Music: Crazy town - Drowning
Subject: A Typically normal day in the life of jackie
Hum…not a lot has been on my mind lately. I have been thinking about swirl and how it sucks ass I’m not going. In gym I was being weird (as usual) and I put shorts on underneath my pants so I could pull my pants down to my knees and have my shorts hanging out like boxers. But then it got annoying to deal with so I pulled em up. Then after we got done running we went in the hall to get some water and me and jess, Kristen and some other people were in the hall and jess was looking in the other class.... so I knocked on the door and ran!! Then I rolled my pant leg up to just above my knee...and then I dove to save the birdie...and I forgot I had my pant leg. So I wound up getting horrible floor burn. And my knee looks weird. lol. I gross my friends out and ask them \"you wanna see it?????\" heh I did manage to get kicked out of class today. Yea... Ms. Fournier was being boring and so I got out of my seat and proceeded to go to the back counter to sit. She asked what was wrong and I said \"nothing\" so she asked me to get back into my seat. So I slowly went back to my desk when she told me to sit down now. So I laid on the floor. And she told me to go out in the hall. lol she was not mad but she wanted to know what was going on. Heehaw… I wanted to say \"YOUR A FREAKING BORING TEACHER!!!\" but I didn’t feel like getting a detention so I just said my knee hurt. And I went to get ice.
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02-10-03 8:40pm

hey hey hey jackAYYYY!!!!

You forgot to mention about how that teacher came into the gym and was like "Do you ladies have a question? I went to the door and no one was there? Blah blah blah de blah blah " lol. That was great. :0)

You're hilarious.

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Re:, 02-10-03 9:08pm

that was sssooooo funny. your fun to be with. im just glad you think im ufnny

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