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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 5-3-2002 at 5:58pm
Current mood: so so
Music: blink182 - Online songs, saw the video dusty made and had it stuck in my head for the rest of the da
Subject: wierd
I was having an ok day, got kicked off track, that made it bad. then I realixed that people are having worse days than me so I stopped whining to myself. oh well, I'm going to have fun this weekend, I hope.
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05-04-02 9:42pm

hey. it's about damn time you started caring that my life sucked.

just kidding. my life isn't really that terrible. but we all keep each other in check. when you're feeling good, help someone else feel good. when things go the way of the doo doo, then seek outside assistance. it's good on paper.

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BUCKAH!, 05-05-02 11:38am

yayaya build a bridge and get over it! hehe j/p cuppett

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