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Beagle147 (profile) wrote,
on 7-16-2005 at 8:46pm
Yesterday was like the best fucking day of my life. Let's back up a little first though.

Friday I came home from work with a sore throat and thought my voice was gone from screaming at too many kids. Saturday added a temperature, Sunday we called for antibiotics. Monday I missed work and went to the doctor, who told me to miss work through wednesday. So I lost an entire week. It sucks. Anyway, Wednesday afternoon me, my mom, and my brother left for Preview at UF. To be honest, I was DREADING going to preview. Incredibly boring. The first day, Thursday, Lots of information. Lots of indecision. The point of day 1 was to learn as much as possible in order to make an informed decision about which classes to take, and then to choose those classes. In addition there was lots of stuff about college life in general. Alcohol, drugs, sex, rape, homosexuality, etc. At night we all went to Broward Hall and had a nice little get-together in the common area. We played spoons for a while - and I didn't lose! - and then kind of mulled around. There was a party in the basement that everyone complained about because no one was dancing. I did not go down, I stayed up to talk with Claudia, my preview leader person, Adam, another preview leader (we kind of merged groups most of the time), and a few preview kids. I liked this guy george, he's from KY. He told us crazy stories from his hick town. At about midnight we all decided to go to bed. My roommate was a little weird. She was from New Jersey (need I say more?). She was studying pre-vet too, and was reading Harry Potter. I thought at first that we would have a lot in common, but, um, we didn't. It wasn't bad, it was just...there.

Friday morning we went downstairs and checked out, then walked over to the Reitz together so neither of us would get lost. But as soon as we got there we kinda lost track of each other. I got my Gator1 ID card and set up my wachovia account, then met will and my mom to put my luggage in the car. We went and bought a parking decal, then bought something to drink and chilled for a little bit. My advising appt was at 11:40, so we wasted some time in the bookstore, and my mom bought me a shirt. : ) After that we headed over to Hume to wait for my advising appointment. My advisor was Mara Fields, and she was really nice. She told me that I should take Chem 2046 instead of Chem 2045, since I had the IB scores for it and had 3 years of high school chem. I also got a seat in my honors course, which I am SO excited about. It's called Current Issues in Higher Education. It's kinda like ToK from what I've read, except without all the philosophy and bullshit. It's discussion-based, and we just talk about issues. I am so psyched for it. I wanted to take a class called The Young Child, about the development from 0-6, but it was only for education majors. Instead I'm taking a different education class called Human Growth and Development. I signed up for Statistics, which is an online class. I almost took a history course called America in the Sixties, but Mara said I probably shouldn't since I'm taking 16 credits and it probably had a lot of reading and writing involved. I am also taking a Telecommunications class called TV and American Society. I was really excited about this class too, until I showed my schedule to Will after my appointment. He is TAKING RTV TOO. OMG, after all that shit about how it's a big school and no one would know I was his sister and now WE'RE IN THE SAME EFFIN CLASS! How does this happen? Ah well, I am not that upset about it. We're not taking it at the same time. It's just weird. We both signed up for it not knowing the other was going to take it. So that's all the classes I'm taking. After my appointment with Mara I went into the other room, and Adam helped me set up my schedule. Mara had gotten me seats in the classes, but Adam had to actually arrange what sessions I would take. I think I have a pretty good schedule. I have no classes before 9 AM. My classes are also pretty spread out. I do have two consecutive classes in the morning Monday Wednesday Friday. I go from RTV to Chem. Not bad. I am thinking about dropping my Human Growth and Development class, because it's MWF from 4-5. I don't really want to get out of class at 5 on fridays because it makes coming home for weekends very tricky. Without that class, I would get out at 11. It's just much better for my first semester. I didn't really have any trouble getting a seat in the class, so I'm sure I could take it another semester. I have a little over a month to decide. I think I'm going to take a look at the syllabus of each of my classes on the first days and see if I should drop something. I am taking 16 credits, which is more than they recommend. So it just might be easier to lose that education course and keep everything else where it is. I'm thinking about it.

After driving home yesterday I did a 180 and left to go to the movies and Barnes and Noble. Me, Kim, and her friend Carla went first to B&N so we could get good tickets for the HP6 line. After we got our tickets, we went to Muvico and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was great. I kind of like the old one better, but this one was more true to the book. And Deep Roy is funny. We got back to B&N a little after 10, having seen the 7:55 movie. We looked around for a while, got drinks, looked around some more, and then found out that a line had started forming, so we raced downstairs to get in it. At midnight the line went pretty fast, and we were out of there before 12:10. I was really glad that we had gone to get our tickets at B&N before the movie, because we got to cut like 50 people who had green tickets. I saw Jeanna and Zach there, and I saw Max at the movies. Apparently he works at muvico. It's still pretty awkward to see people from high school, because we always leave saying the line, "In case I don't see you before you head off to college, good luck!" or, conversely, "Have a nice life." I just think it's really weird.

So anyway, I am about 200 pages into the book, having fallen asleep last night reading and had to take my parents to miami today. They are on a cruise and me and Will have been left alone. It's going to be fun. I hope.

On another note, I am really pissed off because someone moved my tickets to the DMB concert tomorrow night, and I have not been able to locate them. I looked for a good long while tonight, to no avail. The plan of action is to call ticketmaster tomorrow with the confirmation number, hoping that they will give me new tickets at the box office. Until then, pray.
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07-17-05 12:19am

OMG, New Jersey = dirty.

That's freaky how you and your brother picked the exact same class! At least you won't have it together though, that would be kinda awkward (although it might result in some fun confusion.)

Yay for HBP! And speaking of awkward seeing-people-again-things, Eric Jones and some ATL friend of his started talking to me and Kristen when we were at Borders. O.o;; It was really... odd. I think he is scarred for life from the spelling bees. I, however, had forgotten until he started talking about it and I realized who the heck he was. Anyway...

I wanna see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory purely because Johnny Depp is in it and Tim Burton is making it. Such a good combination. I'll prolly have to wait until it comes out on tape/DVD though.

Have fun at the concert, I know how you love DMB. :)

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