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Tails (profile) wrote,
on 7-29-2005 at 8:26pm
a select few will not be welcome at the know who you are so please dont ruin the one day a year i get to enjoy being alive. other than that I CANT FUCKING WAIT TO SEE ALL THOSE LOVELY FACES OF YOURS YOU FUCKS!!!! and by fucks i mean friends u cool kool sinners....yeah i fucking love you guys.
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07-29-05 8:35pm

Tomorrow, right?

(reply to this)


07-29-05 10:51pm

I'm so not welcome..
That's ok though 'cause I got..
Digi mon! Digital monsters!

(reply to this)


07-30-05 12:34am

I like puppies, and I might be there, what time?

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