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Triple (profile) wrote,
on 8-18-2005 at 11:35pm
Current mood: indifferent
Music: The Killers
Tommarrow I leave for California

and I don't wanta go....

I mean I just got my new car on tuesday...I want to "spend" more time with it

Today I went to Bestbuy with Gma and she bought me a few video games for the plane ride and such...

...but over all I really do think this trip is going to suck....I gotta hide my smokes, my tat, I can't be my normal self around this side of my family. I have to go back to being a "good" boy who does nothing wrong and who would make his father proud. I don't want to go to college but who would I let down? all of them...During this whole damn trip I won't have a ounce of time to myself and I'm 18 GD years old...I'm going to be treated like i'm 10 again...

But I really don't care. I don't think I'll hide my smokeing or the tattoo just because they gotta know...I'm not my pops and no matter how much they wish/hope/pray/all that bullshit I'm not going to be more like that fucker, AND if they don't like it they can suck a fat one

oh if anyone wants like some micky mouse ears or something just drop me a line or leave me a comment or something
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08-21-05 4:34pm

I know how you feel with those family vacations. I just got back from mine, it felt like a month.

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