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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 8-20-2005 at 2:23am
Did I snore?
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08-20-05 1:05pm

LoL, I nearly just snorted the Kix I'm eating.

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Re:, 08-20-05 1:33pm

i laughed as was funny...

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08-20-05 3:15pm

I have a medical condition called Rhinitis that causes me to have a hard time breathing at night. So to pick fun at me when there is no amount of picking I can do to clear my nasal passages, is not very nice. :) :)

Cheerio all u little gits.

P.S. Im happy to be your nightly entertainment but next time I would like a bigger tip than yours. (That was a gay joke) :)

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08-20-05 5:00pm

Oh, oh, this one's for me! I'm by far the most qualified person (who reads this journal anyway) to answer this question. I feel so useful. Go me! LALALALALALA.

To answer your question: ::drumroll:: I don't know.

Hehe, just kidding. I kill myself. :-P Seriously though, not usually. Once and a while when you would sleep out in the living room, but most of the time, no.

Why do you ask?

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Re:, 08-20-05 11:50pm

Inside joke jason....and you are not in....

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Re:, 08-21-05 1:48am

LMAO. Jason, you suck at life and it's funny. :)

J / K!!! Don't freak out!

Joe was quoting Luke by the way. Dork.

PS: I really want to listen to the new Killers material with you.

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