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triple (profile) wrote,
on 8-21-2005 at 7:20pm
Current mood: awake
Hello Everyone posting from California here.

Seiriously I am.

But anyways

I'm haveing a decent time out here, but i'm kinda dissapointed. My Dad said there would be TONS of hot bitches out here but I've only seen 1 pretty girl and that was this Hot ass Red head, my jaw was on the steet along with like 50 Chinks

Which brings me to another problem of being out here. THE CHINESE! they are like the Mexicans back home! like in Cedar/Kent county there was just ass loads of Mexicans. Here in San Fancisco there are just loads of Chinese! oh oh and Chinatown don't get me started on that place.

but back to the dissapointment...

There are NO normal looking people in this city! they all look different which I guess makes them all normal around here. but they arn't normal looking to me anyways.

This place also seems to be freaking Home Base for Fagbags...In the Airport I seen 2 carpet muching Dike couples 1 that looked like hot lesbos and 1 couple that was made up of the "butch"kind

(you know lots of hair,Man boots etc. etc. etc.)

on the bus's is were the Fags like to hang out... I saw a Chinese gay couple while waiting for a bus down to the "Fishermans Warf"

OH! I saw a TONS of crazy people! at least like 3-4 a day so that makes around 8 in total.

Today I saw a black guy dressed as a chick, Some crazy black guy asked me for Money (he had very few teeth and a fake eye patch) but I told him I wasn't giving him any of my money that I made at my job and that he should go get a job and I finished with calling him a bum.

Today I also saw a 13-year old picking half smoked cigarettes outta the ash tray that is outside my Hotel, and then He smoked them! He was white and I felt kinda bad so I gave him one of my lights, the lil fucker said thanks and ran off. Kinda made me feel all warm inside....

There is a massive amount of rice out here. the cars here are very different then in Michigan, Like I see very few Fords, Chevys, Pontiacs, GMCs, ETC out here. All the cars are imports like Mazda toyota and Mitsubishi. and anything that anyone 16-25-year-old owns has a fart pipe.

The lack of old school muscle cars also has me kinda perplexed...I mean I've seen no Mustangs like James no Comaro like Gravys... just new/newer cars. Focus's and Grand Prixs are almost non-existance here in San Fancisco. I've seen 1 sweet Focus and one GP.

It's 63'F here....eeep.

I hit on a blonde Chick with a British actcent

I love British Chicks!

..So ahh yeah...

anyways I'll post again tomarrow


I got nothin'

I'm getting so0 drunk when I get back.
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08-22-05 10:59am

california is the cesspool of the united states

(reply to this)


08-22-05 8:10pm

It is....

It really is

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