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Triple (profile) wrote,
on 8-25-2005 at 12:26pm
'ello everyone!

Just posting to tell yall i'm still kicking

I'm super home sick....

This side of my family is really starting to piss me off hardcore...
But I can tell yall about that when I get back...

Bizzzle I hope we're still on for Sunday when I get back....
(I'm going to need it....)
*cough* *cough*


2 days left......2 days left.....2 DAYS LEFT!!!!11!

2 days......until I'm back home and back in the Grand Prix and 2 days until I feel happy again......

2 days.....
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08-26-05 12:11am

Dude we need to get some money and get the hell out of this place, I dont think i have ever been so sick of a place in my life ah well!! couple years and we will have enough money to do it!! c-ya when ya get home

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Re:, 08-26-05 12:12am

oopps i forgot......dude you are a stoner!

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Re: Re:, 08-27-05 1:52pm

damn strait....I got uzzz something from the big CA and and I have enough moneyzz to fill it....but this would make us alcholics....

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