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triple (profile) wrote,
on 9-18-2005 at 3:08am
Whats up fuckers!?


Havn't updated much lately mainly becuase I SEEM to have a problem with people that try to be a athority figure to...myself

but anyways
Brenton and I moved in with James Jay and Holly this weekend. Jay brought his shotty to the apartment...its fucking tits

I got a job at Kent City Ford in the Quick lube area makeing $8 a hour 40 hours a week....$300 paychecks are nice....

The GPGT is running well... no accidents yet...raced a few more mothers that thought there shit was quick but apparently not quick enough...(yeah I know that i'm going to get my ass handed to me one of these days)

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09-19-05 12:38am

i'm going to get my ass handed to me one of these days)......Yes this it true and you know it is going to be by my Focus!!! LOL
~Dont hate me because you aint me~

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Re:, 09-20-05 3:08pm

Call me about this whole cop dealy.

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Re: Re:, 09-20-05 7:47pm

ok um i will try

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