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atman (profile) wrote,
on 9-22-2005 at 10:09am
Current mood: cranky
Music: We Hate it When Our Friends Become Successful
Subject: Gah...screw honors.
I haven't really been enjoying college lately. Everyday in class I'm praying that something happens and we get to leave. Its just boring. Its like high school minus all fun. The only good times I have are in my dorm, where I hang out with my roomies, play Wow, or work on my many crappy assignments. Its just depressing. I was promised college was gonna be this hypercool awesome super action packed adventure, and so far the only adventure has been trying to find my way back from a 'Hearing and sight testing center'.
The honors program sure as hell isn't helping either. I wouldn't be in it at all if honors kids didn't get to choose what courses they want OVER everyone else. In my honors packet, it says that honors students are typically frustrated by busy work, and our aim is to eliminate that in honor classes. So, for my mandatory honors class I have to take, I have to write a tributary about myself for when I die, and write why I went to college. HMMMMMMMMM...
I just haven't been enjoying college. I've been trying, but I don't like it. Unless I'm really missing something, its just been a really shitty experience I wish I could just skip.
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09-22-05 10:35am

dude, hang in there.

i don't even feel like i'm AT college yet.

and don't you remember what a bitch high school was? it wasn't that fun, to be honest.

it'll be cool. and you still have sexy legs. when you get a spell you should cruise down herr in the pinkly taurus and pick up some hot ladies with me.

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Re:, 09-22-05 10:41am

Right Chris because you pick up hot chicks ALL the time.


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Re: Re:, 09-22-05 10:44am

i meant for HIM to be getting all the hot chicks, while i kept him company.

i'm the wing-man, you know?

in order to get chicks you'd need to talk to them first. i still haven't gotten over that hump. :)

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Re: Re: Re:, 09-22-05 4:24pm


Because it seems to me all you talk to is girls.

at least thats all you ever make a point in telling me about.

You do contradict yourself so.

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09-22-05 10:37am

Aww.......i really wish i could help.

But at least your doing SOMETHING.

you could be sitting in your dorm alone, not getting out and doing anything.

But your sit in your room with people, not getting out and doing anything.

ya know>?

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Re: Why?, 09-22-05 10:56am

I could go out all I wanted, but that doesn't mean I make friends. Its not just, I'm gonna stroll outside and meet some new people. I wish it worked like that, but it doesn't, from what I can tell. Plus, I haven't really met too many people I would like to see more than once a day.

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09-27-05 8:08pm

Heyyyyyyy. Its Leah. I hope you haven't forgotten me... that would be sad. I found this the other night when Chelsea was over. I was like "whoa!"
I'm sorry college isn't what its like in the movies.
High school isn't that great either. I mean its nice being in a different school, and 1 year closer to graduation... but its not that great for a freshmen... yet. lol.
I talked to David Stafford today. Lol that was a riot.

check out my xanga!

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