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courtney115 (profile) wrote,
on 10-2-2005 at 12:21pm
Current mood: happy
Music: Let Me Hold You- Bow Wow
Subject: Homecoming!
What a great night last night was. I got all dressed up, and my mom and grandma started crying, lol. I wore a dark purple dress with tiny straps, it came down to a little above my knees. My hair was down and I wore diamond earings and a matching neklace. Zach came over at about 430 with his mom, took a million pictures. Zach looked so nice, in his tweed suit and purple tie. (later in the night I discovered the awesomeness which is his socks.) He gave me a goorgeous pink corsaga (sp). It had pink flowers with little white ones on the side, and all of this other stuff... the bracelet part was a little loose and kept on getting caught in the fabric of my dress lol but I loved it.

Zach's mom drove us to Nick's house, where there was the rest of our group. Lets see if I can name all them...Thomas and ELlie, Lia and Nick, Ian and Christina, some other guy and Nikki, Jimmy and Cameron ,and Ben all by himself. Poor ben wasn't in any pictures and sat at the head of the table at the resturant. I feel bad for him, pretty much everyone did.

After all the parents took about a million pictures, we all went to the resturant. Jimmy's dad drove us, Jimmy and his date Cameron. The mucis in his car was the coolest, this '80's rap. We got to the resturant and Zach ended up holding the door for about 100 people. Dinner was nice, Nikki and I were right by a door and I was practically freezing to death lol. Zach and I shared some bread thing with stuff in it. I didn't eat a lot because I wasn't that hungry, (I was too nervous) but it was good. After the girls went to the bathroom for like 10 minutes, we all headed out and drove in Jimmy's car to the dance!

Whenever I sat down, the straps of my dress fell. The dress itself was tight enough that I wasn't flashing everyone or anything, but it was pretty funny. We got to the dance, and walked around saying hello to Zach's million friends. I finally met a lot of kids he talks about, so that was good. I felt so lucky that he hung out with me and stuff, because he knew that he was pretty much the only person I knew there besides my sister and her friends. We sat down in the lobby thing on the table for a good hour, Zach is the best boyfriend ever.

A lot of eighth graders from last year were there, all the girls were telling us how cute we looked together and how suprised they were that we didn't break up. About for people asked "So this is your woman?" like I belonged to him or something, lol. There was quite the drama with people losing their dates and such. If you go with someone, shouldn't you be with them enough that you don't lost them? We were attached at the hip the whole time, so that wasn't a problem for us, hahah. I was definatly the only one from Rocky Run there, but whatever. Hanging out with Zach and his friends was very fun, we really haven't hung out for that long of a period ever, besides the play rehersals last year. I dont think that they count though, because we weren't together and hung out with different groups.

It was really nice, Zach told me I looked pretty like five times. We said I love you like 10, lol. Really, really great night. And I'm so lucky it was with Zach, that we're together. The way he treats me is very caring, he wanted to be with me the whole time, and that was nice. I felt older, going to a high school dace and being all dressed up and such. It was fun.

What else can I say? Great time. My feet were killing me once I got home, but it hurts to be beautiful, hahah. Colleen got home and then after about 10 minutes I passed out in bed. Now I must call Vilhelm and inform him of the fantastic night.
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Comment, 11-12-05 12:31am

This sounds like a dance gone good.

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