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Triple (profile) wrote,
on 10-6-2005 at 11:50pm
Music: 311
I was thinking,

yeah what a shock!

Thought!? Craig? what the fuck!?

I was at work on my break justa thinking away, about my life in general you know!? My very excistance, my triumphs and many failures, all that bull shit, Shorty after my thoughts turned to that of my father and all the shit that happened when I was a baby...

.. Like how I'm one families last hope at keeping the memory of their youngest son/brother alive, how I'm 1 persons blessing and also their curse, and anothers worse nightmare, but those thoughts slowly started to pass leaveing me my "Stupid, happy to be bored self" I took a few more puffs off of my cigar and call this break done.

Oh Joe Rogin!
Joe Rogin theres something you don't know about me....*iches neck*I SMOKE ROCK!


I dunno...

~*Takes a nice big hit off weed*~

*cough!* *cough!?* *cough...!*


I wish I could meet a girl that liked the same shit I did, one that thought pontiacs were the shit, had the same shy/stupid mentality that I had..."

*Takes another hit.*

'Getting some subs for the GPGT, that or maybe a tranny flush, It was used you know...Never know when the previous owners did something like that or even at all

"Oh there's a clock in my head
And despite what it says
Another one on the wall
They don't agree at all
And there's a schism in me
And despite what you see
You might see me as calm
But I go out like a bomb
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god damnit craig, 10-08-05 6:34pm

you think too much craig...or too deeply. I love you and so do the will always have a family you don't have to impress.

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