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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 5-5-2002 at 4:35pm
yeah, my brothers having a party. and there is some girl here claiming that I groped britneys boobs. first of all, I haven't groped in a long time, and second of all, I have no clue who britney is. Well I know a couple britneys , but I never groped any of them. hmmmm, oh well. but still, I haven't groped for a long . long long time, ever since my peversion was lost. yeah, which had to be a long itme ago. oh well.
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you fag, 05-05-02 10:53pm

you still are a perv you fag! so just take it from you dog again. FAG!!

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:), 05-06-02 3:47pm

Sorry I had to leave and go home to clean. Oh well, life goes on. I probably won't talk to you tonight since I have practice and homework. Talk to ya soon, I hope. I love you.

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LOL, 05-06-02 8:17pm


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