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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 11-9-2005 at 7:51pm
Subject: Little cloven hooves that make it kinda hard to ski...
Ahhhhh CRAZY. I love Charles James Shick. AHHHHH. So much.
Maybe a surprise we'll find out tomorrow. I dunno. Or like, in a week or two. Eh. I love this picture
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Fucking bullshit, I would never be caught dead in...Georgia. Like, omg.
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11-15-05 9:11am

i love to watch fox news and then go club some baby seals!

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Re: oh hells yes, 11-16-05 11:35pm

then i'll drink a zinfendel and try to wash off that baby seal smell.

Now THAT'S fucking bullshit. It doesn't smell bad at all.

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