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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 11-10-2005 at 10:01pm
Menards is expanding again, another 200 jobs in Eau Claire. Sort of wonder how much bigger the company can get in this town.
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11-11-05 8:19am

I for one welcome our new home improvement overlords!

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Re:, 11-11-05 11:00pm

From Chris Turner's "Planet Simpson" in regards to members of a online community focused on the cataloguing of interesting and obscure web phenomena:

"When a participant vastly overstates the degree of oppression or social control expected to arise from the topic in question, or when the discussion is the product of a link to a news story detailing some new brand of authoritarianism, a contributor will reply, "I, for one, welcome our new [fill-in-the-blank] overlords," a statement lifted from Kent Brockman's hysterical on-air reaction to the ants he sees floating past the camera on Homer's space mission."

How's it feel to be a fully categorized, foregone concluded nerd? :-)

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