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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 11-17-2005 at 9:49pm
Man. So tired. Class went pretty well. Char and I hung out. It was sooooo nice. And we laid in bed and snuggled while it was cold out. It felt so good. So yeah, we may have some big news here.
I'm so in love.

Oh yeah, this morning, on my way to the expressway, I took 18 mile to shaner instead of 17 mile cause there was a crash, and I pretty much jacknifed my car near the intersection and almost hit a stop sign. My car spun sideways. It was really scary! Tomorrow Becca and I are meeting for breakfast then driving to class.

G'night :-) <3
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11-17-05 10:12pm

That's why I don't drive in the winter anymore. ;)

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Re:, 11-19-05 11:00am

I was going to say "Let's boycott winter!", but there's really no chance of that in Michigan. Only the driving part sucks...okay, and the extreme cold, and the slush, and the salt, Hahaha :-)

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