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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 11-22-2005 at 12:07am
Music: Division of Laura Lee
I got home an hour ago. Went to school and worked 5 hours. Went to work for 8. First I got there and Ken and I had to open up 60 turkeys for tomorrows God's Kitchen dinner for 3,000... 3 fricken thousand. Holy crap. So yeah, that took a little while. Then I left and rode w/Ken to Frederick Meijer Gardens. We did a party for 300 tonight. It was cool, all canapes and dessert platters and veggie trays. Yummy. Breakdowns went fast. Kinda. We got to drive the big truck back. Then unload it. And then I got to go home. Yay. Sleep. But no, first I had to write a paper for class tomorrow. So yeah, now I can sleep. Tomorrow night after class I so get to see Charlie :-) :-) :-) I hope I can surprise him with something. If I ever find out. Blahhhhh. I think that's about it... Oh, I found a cute house but I can't find it online or anything. G'night.
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11-28-05 3:02am

a house? are you moving into a house with charlie?

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Re:, 11-28-05 2:53pm

we're going to try to get a loan and all that jazz sometime, not real soon though.

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