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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 11-27-2005 at 4:20pm
I don't know what to do. I am scared.

Thanksgiving went well. It was nice to see my family and Charlie's family. Friday I went to work all day. There was a wedding in-house that spent SOOO much on food. (They ordered 3 chef-attended stations and a chocolate fountain. Each station costs $900, the fountain costs $5 each person!)
So it was a pretty interesting day.
After work Char and I went to Rivertown. Then I spent the night there. We watched Home Alone. hahaha :-) and Guess Who. Saturday we went shopping and stuff. Then at night we saw the lights @ 5/3 ballpark w/Lissa, Cory, and the baby.

Goin to dinner w/Becca tonight YAYAYAYYA :-D
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11-28-05 3:00am

we all need to get together sometime...i friggen work everydday though.

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Re:, 11-28-05 2:54pm

oh hells yes! haha. Yeah, I have to work a lot this week. But we really need to hang out! I miss you! You need to come to Art/Bev's this week! I'm a cashier... I love you!!!

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Re: Re:, 11-28-05 3:42pm

I LOVE YOU!~ i will

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Re: Re: Re:, 11-29-05 12:23am

Awesome! :-)

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