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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 12-6-2005 at 12:05am
Oh yeah. I forgot. My job is pretty awesome. I found out some stuff tonight. I don't watch harry potter but I guess we did a huge banquet for some people involved w/it and for all of you who do watch it, harry potter 5 comes out in june 2007 i think. you may have already known that. whatever. And, this girl i work w/went to the bishop of GR's house tonight. She goes there every week because we do a party for him every week. Theres some interesting stuff about that. I think it's cool.
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12-06-05 4:37pm

18 months!?

i'll be 20 by then... holy hell. next time you have a banquet for them, tell them to get a freakin' move on.

glad to see you're having fun, hil-dillary.

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Re:, 12-07-05 11:25pm

Hey buddy! I miss ya! So...How are things? haha. Yeah, I will definitely tell them to get workin'! Hey, I miss Calc class. hahaha. Mostly I just miss you and kev and that other kid...what was his name, raphiel, miguel? Oh yeah...Tim. hahaha. I was reading my old old old year book (7th grade!) and Kevin wrote in there "Don't 'do it' until you're married" And I just started laughing. Hasn't changed a bit. Hows class?

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Re: Re:, 12-08-05 10:47am

yeah. i'm not taking any math this semester, and it makes me sad. i tested into 201, but i really don't feel like taking calculus again. bleh.

kevin indeed has not changed a bit... although we'll see what sort of effects venezuela has wrought on him.

class is good. only 1 comprehensive final. i think i'm doing okay gradewise... at least, i hope so. socially, i'm as inept as ever... but still a huge hit with the ladies, of course... lol.

you're growing up so fast... it's fun to watch. i'm just not wanting to grow up myself, just yet. i'm glad to hear you're having a good time. i have a feeling there might be a mass get together over break. which would be super awesome.

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Re: Re: Re:, 12-09-05 9:55am

Yeah. I'm just afraid to take a math course. I'm sticking with Forms & Formulas! haha.

Kevin's probably going to be really crazy!

You're taking music classes, aren't you? Yeah I had one of my finals yesterday. Blahhh.
You're such a ladies man! :-)

That mass get-together over break would be awesome!!!

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