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kthpkc (profile) wrote,
on 12-8-2005 at 9:36am
Holy frick. It's 7 degrees out. And it's warmer now than it was a couple of hours ago ><"

So yeah, just came back from taking my 8 a.m. history exam. It's great, I managed to put my fave history term that I've learned this semester into the last essay that I wrote. Good ol' defenestration. They mentioned it once in Questionable Content. I must find it and print it off for my prof.

Waking up at 6 sucks. I'm so glad that I'm not in highschool anymore ;p

One more exam to go...math *shudder* Then the selling of the books and the [hopefully] eating in Bigelowe caf for many hours. Yay. I also should start packing a little. When Tara's awake though. She came in late this morning, so she'll be sleeping for a while. I don't want to wake her up ^^"

Blah, tired. Cross your fingers that I catch the bus.
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12-08-05 3:08pm

Why were you talking about throwing someone out a window?

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