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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 12-8-2005 at 9:22pm
This paper provides many ways to inform us about the subject of homosexuals. I like how you made the paper from how we become gay, how gays are treated, and how homos affect us in our future lives.
I think this paper is way too one-sided. Throughout the paper, I feel I’m being persuaded to think a certain way on this issue. I also think there should more proof to back up the points in the paper to give it more of an effect.

Gregory Mair
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12-08-05 10:53pm

And my reply:

What do you mean when you say that it is too one-sided? I could have written more about how the government is there to provide a safe environment for its citizens without considering personal feelings.

About the only other way I can think of not making it one-sided is to explain how it is rational to discriminate against gays. The only problem is that there is no rationality to make that argument possible. That would mean that all of the anti-discrimination laws that we have for race, religion and everything else are irrational.

I guess my entire point of writing this paper was to explain how aggravating it is for people to be gay (myself included). I also felt that with the opposite viewpoint of the paper being so vocal that it did not really need to be encouraged or explained.

If you could clarify what you are asking, I would be glad to edit the paper. Thanks.


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12-10-05 7:20am

" I feel I'm being persuaded to think a certain way on this issue."

Isn't it funny how straight people can preach that homosexuals are bad and wrong to the world, but if a homosexual says any different, they feel threatened that they're being shown the other side? Ignorance is bliss I guess. If only we could all be exposed properly to the other side of everything.

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