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xxbabiigurlxx (profile) wrote,
on 12-13-2005 at 4:36pm
Current mood: sick
Music: tvs on
why not ?!

Your name: Ashley
Nicknames: huckaby, twinks , elfer , ashh
Do you like these nicknames?: i guess so ?
Age: 17
Birthday: april 11
Zodiac sign: aries
Is your family close?: Yeah somewhat

What are your favorite

Foods: pizza .. chicken .. salad .. fruit
TV shows: Laguna Beach, friends, will && grace law && order
Movies: I don¡¯t feel like naming them all .. theres millions
Video Games: Mario party - duh ;) - urm theres a few others
Sports: sadly .. football has taken a toll on me
Hair products: urm .. suave && Garnier Fructis.
Makeup Products: Eye liner && mascara ..
Pieces of Jewelry: earrings && necklaces ..
Kinds of Soap: Dove
CDs: Mixes.
Snacks: blue skittles, green starburst && the red && pink original =]
Your Room

What color is your room?: tan
Is it messy or clean?: both ..
Do you have posters on your wall?: nope
Do you have a TV in your room?: yeah
A computer?: Yea
An alarm clock?: Yea .. but its not pluged in or used .
Is your ceiling decorated?: No
Do you decorate your door?: No
What color is your carpet?: wood .

This or That

Book bag/Messenger bag: Bookbag
Jay-Z/Nas: Jay-Z
Cat/Dog: Dogs
PS2/Xbox: Both
DVDs/VHS: dvds
Cds/Tapes: CD
Big screen/small screen: Big - duh -
Movies at home/in the theater: Home .. well
Popcorn/Candy: Candy
Jacket/Coat: jacket
sister/brother: brother
Home/House: Home
Espanol/Deutsch: How bout, English.
Email/Letters: Letters
Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter: harry potter of course


Do you have a job?: Yeah
What do you do?: sell stuff on ebay =]
Does you boss like you?: yeap -- its me ;)
How much do you get paid?: whateverr i sell
Are you a big spender?: When I have the money
Do you go to the mall a lot?: No
In an average week, how much money do you spend?: not that much really .. no reason
Do you like your job if you have one?: yupp

Right Now

What are you wearing?: a tank top && mini skirt
What are you listening to?: a movie
Who are you talking to?: No one
What are you doing other than filling out this survey?: Nothing
How is your hair?: Down & straight.
Are you cold or warm?: Cold
Do you have any jewelry on?: yea
Do you have any makeup on?: Yea
Name 4 things laying around your desk: money, camera,crackers, pen
Open a cabinet near you and describe whats in it: Crap
What time is it?: 5:09PM

Dating and Stuff

Are you involved romantically with anyone right now?: nope
Do you wish you were with someone right now?: No
Do you have a secret crush?: Hmm¡¦
Who?: If I told you, it wouldn¡¯t be a secret ..
Do they know? nope ..
How many people have you dated in the passed year?: urm .. one
Kissed in the past year? 2
Do you know what 143 means?: yeup
How many people have you said "I love you" to?: && meant it .. two
Did you mean it?: to 2 of them
If you didnt mean in, why did you bother saying it?: ha, long story
Do you say I Love You to your friends all the time?: Yea
Whats the most fun date you ever had?: oh god, that was a good night ¢¾
If you break up with someone do you cry your heart out while listening to breakup songs and then in an hour your fine again with a new love-buddy?: fine - again ?! no

Whats Your Take On

President Bush: Could be worse. but i dont like him
Ahhhhrnold: Whatever
jay-z retiring: Whatever
going to college: Can¡¯t wait
marriage: is for fools
football: I like some football ..

Do You

Untie your shoe laces everytime you take your shoes off?: Nope
Burp a lot?:when I drink soda .. which isn¡¯t very often
Do stupid things in public?: Sometimes, and I don¡¯t care
Wear leg warmers?: Mm no.
Sing in the shower?: Of course
Sleep with a teddy bear?: Used to.
Drink coffee?: Yuck

Have you ever

Used a swear word the wrong way and made it sound completely stupid?: Mm, knowing me - yea
Skipped school?: Well, yea.
Been drunk?: Uh huh .. oops .. bad night
Had to look after someone who was on drugs?: yea
Been in the hospital over night?: yeah
Broken a bone?: No, knock on wood
Sprained a wrist or an ankle?: several times .. damn baton
Been online for more than 8 hours at one shot?: yea,, stayed up all night so he could come over ..and we coudl fall asleep together ..
Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: Yeah
Watched TV for more than 11 hours straight?: No

how fun ¢¾

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12-13-05 8:27pm

haha i enjoyed reading it!

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Re:, 12-13-05 9:54pm


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