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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-20-2005 at 10:46pm
Current mood: blank
Music: The keys of my keyboard beneath my fingers.
Subject: Fuck you.
Yea, I said it. I'm pissed as all hell right now. Nothing's going right, at least it doesn't seem like it. I just want everything to stop for two seconds... I need a break from life. I just want it to all stop. I want my boyfriend to act happy to see me, I want my dad to just back off and let me be, I want my sister to always be nice and not have so many witchy moments, I want my mom to not act like I never see her when I do, I want school to just go right, I want to not have to work so late all the time, I want to have JD hold me in his arms and let me cry on his shoulder, I want everyone to just be not so annoying, I want my grandma to stop thinking she knows everything, I want everything to just go right!!
Long list right? I know, but that's what I want. If you want to get me a Christmas present that'd be just perfect!
I know, I'm a whining, snobby, little bitch. I might be... but hey, karma right. So it had to have been coming.

Love you.

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12-20-05 11:04pm

You're not a snobby bitch. You're not even snobby. And you hardly ever whine.

People are stupid. They're bound to annoy the hell out of you. I know we're not super duper close, but if you need a shoulder to cry on, mine is open.

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Re:, 12-20-05 11:07pm

thank you. i needed that.

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Re: Re:, 12-21-05 11:00pm

Oh, my Lawd. Is your icon one of my ancient graphics?
Haha, wow. I sucked.

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Re: Re: Re:, 12-26-05 11:42pm

yea, it's definetly your graphic. but you did NOT suck! I love this one. The "bring it" one is awesome too... I love 'em all!!

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12-20-05 11:44pm

JD had better be making you happy. I'll kick his ass!!!

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12-21-05 12:42pm

Aww Jacqui. I just wanna give you a giant hug right now! I'm sorry things aren't going very well for you. Sometimes life just seems to suck doesn't it? Don't worry though Jekyll, I still love you and so do all your friends. We're all here for you, alright?

Oh, and Jacqui if you ever call yourself a whining snobby little bitch again I will fill your locker with silly string. Understand? You are not any of those things! You are amazing and don't you forget it!

I love you Jekyll and am always here for you if you feel like talking or just having someone listen. Keep your chin up chica, and have faith everything will work out.
Love ya

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