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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 2-17-2003 at 6:44pm
Music: None
Subject: Today....
Today was boring. Dannie when home sick poor dannie. Theresa wasnt here today either..poor theresa.. Eh. Tonight isnt my online night but my mom and dad are at H&R Block..thats never good...something to do with loans i think? I have no clue. Its nothing too serious i dont think..Yesh so I had carinna ride da bus home with me and we went to champion. Of course kennen sexually harrassed carinna on the bus. I knew it was going to happen..I should have warned her. Then we went to Lindseys vball game.I saw emily there. Her hair was super cute she will have to show me how to do it some time lol. I should have tried out for volleyball! I WISH I WOULD HAVE!! oo back to champion... No one was there except for Abu, Zach Eldgrige(sry i know i probably slottered the last name), and David Engmark. NO OTHER NORTH PEOPLE.. i know carinna was disapointed lol. jk...Yeah school sucked as usual blah blah blah and I make some DAMN GOOD GRILLED CHEESE TOO! mm....DR.PEPPER!
i G2G
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hey, 02-17-03 9:35pm

hey, I had a lot of fun with Amy! Except for when kennen was trying to sexually harrassed, yea that was not very fun. And yes I thought you should have warned. Well gotta go, ttyl, buh bye! And Amy you better bring me some Dr. Pepper cause I didn't get any!

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