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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 1-19-2006 at 6:24pm
Oh my goodness! AHHHHHH It's killing me!
I just got a letter from GFS (Gordon Food Service) asking for chefs to work in their test kitchen. That was the job I was striving for! And get this:
For only 4 weeks of the year, we choose which weeks. For 10 hours a day.
Add that all up, that's $1000 a week! $4000 a month.
And so I'm writing them back. I would love to work there. But I don't have all my years in yet for the requirement. But I'm writing them anyway so they keep me in mind for the future. I would've been able to work both jobs, too.
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01-20-06 12:48pm

GFS can't tell you no.
you so cool.
you make food good.
they don't know.
they so dumb.
you COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re:, 01-21-06 12:49pm

ahhhh but they're going to. I know it :-( they so stupid.
Here...I wrote you a poem!

you so cool
you so cool
you no fool
cause you so cool!

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