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Triple (profile) wrote,
on 1-22-2006 at 6:59pm
This weekend was one of those weekends...

one of those weekends that make you relize what is really important to you and stuff. I'd have to say it helped me relize that I have thee best friend in the world and one awesome good friend.
(I never knew you could smoke so much dope, and hear that many raceist and other off color jokes in a 2 hour car ride... )

and for all you other mother fuckers

What was yesterday? My birthday assholes! where the fuck are my presents, cards ,and people saying happy fucking birthday!?

yeah I did just say that..
yeah...thats what I thought...

(I got a pounding headache right now X< ( pray for me))

Meh...I'm gonna go play Final Fantasy XI some now...I wanta try and get my Ninja maxed out asap so I can do some end-game events and such, and so that If Zulla and Bwizz start playing I have a character thats strong enough to help with alot of the piss ass stupid missions
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01-22-06 9:21pm

Happy late birthday.

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01-23-06 1:54pm

Happy belated birthday Craigory!!


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01-23-06 3:24pm

Welll CRAIG: Maybe I would have known it was your birthday and called you and wished you a Happy Birthday if I had KNOWN!!! You didn't exactly advertise it, now did ya? lol Just kidding buddy! Happy Belated! :)

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Re:, 01-23-06 5:46pm

I take it I am a asshole

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Re: Re:, 01-23-06 6:08pm

Yeah read it wrong Dude u are zulla and I best friend thanks for drive and dude really thanks for the paper I REALLY needed it otherwise I would not have taken it, but really thats awsome!!

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