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whispers (profile) wrote,
on 1-24-2006 at 1:32am
Subject: sad times
i'm pretty sure i want to cry right now. a lot.

first, cheryl's going back to the bk lounge, and i miss it, and i remember one day i was in back cash, and cheryl got a tendergrill and chili, and she sat on the floor in back cash and ate her little foodies, as we chatted. that was nice.

second thing is, poor poor jeremiah got into a serious car accident. i'm pretty sure everyone who reads this already knows, but still. anne-tastic told me yesterday morning, dennis went into my work and told me, and then ross told me when i walked into bk last night. it's sad news, and it kinda makes me want to sprinkle a little tearage.

which leads me to ask this.. what would you get a guy, as a gift, who just got into a car accident when he loves everything about cars? probably shouldn't be throwing little matchbox cars at him going "ha ha ha, new cars for jeremiah!" i'm sure he'd just die and say "go to hell" or.. not. but i would. that was my suggestion until i remembered why he's in the hospital in the first place. see, stupid.

anyway, going to bed again. me=tired & thirsty.

ps. chicken, bacon, ranch from subway is probaby, by far, the BEST sandwich ever invented. oh, lee is trying to force me and tanya to take 30 minute lunch breaks. he's gonna forget, but if he does.. might as well get the hell outta there and go get some srubway!
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01-24-06 12:24pm

Lets get him a bunch of coloring books and crayons so he has something to do while he's stuck at home.

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01-24-06 11:16pm

Don't cry. If you cried, I'm pretty sure I would have to cry too.

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