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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 1-25-2006 at 4:52pm
I'm really happy with life right now. Everything is great. For once it just feels like things are balanced.
I'm proud of what I've accomplished too. I can't believe (it seems) like my first year is almost done. It just feels like it's going fast. It's a good feeling though, I'd like to get out as soon as I can. But I really like it. I've paid off my own car. $5000. That felt good. I've got a great job and am gaining more and more experience. I made the Dean's list. I like being home and relaxing and actually have time for that. I'm with the man I love and we've got a great future ahead of us. I have great friends. I love my classes. I'm just overall very satisfied.

I went to Spectrum today and learned a lot. I guess there's a job opening, but it's third shift. I may take it...who knows. It'd definitely be an experience. But until my classes are over I'd only get 4 hours of sleep w/both my jobs and classes. That wouldn't be so great.
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01-27-06 12:58pm

ow. would be cool probably for a while, but that kind of schedule will kill your life if it lasts for a long time.

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Re:, 01-29-06 10:05pm

oh i know. it would really suck. i don't think i'm going to do it. at least not during school. bleh. :-p

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