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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 1-26-2006 at 2:01pm
So I finally got around to seeing the Notebook. Wow. I haven't cried so much during a movie before. It's just so sad. :-(
I have class today but I'm sick. I must be dying or something. I've been in a really really good mood and I enjoy being at home. I'm not annoyed with my puppies, they're actually pretty fun :-) And I am making dinner tonight. I just enjoy taking it slow right now and taking everything in. Like I said...I must be dying.
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01-27-06 12:36pm

i think i lost weight from crying so hard while i watched that movie.
frickin a!

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Re:, 01-29-06 10:00pm

I know, seriously, I had to stop and think if crying that much was normal or if I was just over-emotional. The first time I saw it I cried at everything! :-( That is such a good movie. I remember what you told me happened for you during that movie :-D

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