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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 1-27-2006 at 2:21pm

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01-27-06 4:34pm

So on my FOURTH call to sprint and speaking with supervisors/managers I finally found someone intelligent enough to change my phone number.

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Re:, 01-27-06 5:00pm

Hehe. Got your e-mail; thanks for the update.

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01-27-06 5:04pm

I recently had the unpleasant experience of having to deal with Sprint’s customer solutions. My initial goal was to change my phone number to a local area code. I was informed that I had to call from a different cell phone and that it could not be a “land line.” Since I do not have another phone, I was told to go to the local Sprint store. I asked where it was, and was given an address in Wyoming (several states away). As you probably know, it is highly improbable for me to drive to the “local” Sprint store. All three representatives that I spoke with said that there was no way to file a complaint or suggestion through customer solutions and that I had to go to the website. I find it amazing that “customer solutions” representatives cannot file complaints or suggestions on how to make your service better. When I asked if I could speak to the representatives through e-mail or an instant messenger program I was told no. Being as most people only have one phone this seemed to be the perfect solution to me. Most leading companies from Hewlett-Packard to IBM offer some form of instant tech support through their websites. So my question for you is, why is half of your customer solutions on your website and the other half through the phone?

I am very pleased with the actual service of the phone itself. But because of the sheer incompetence of Sprint’s customer solutions, I will be finding another service provider when my contract ends. No customer should have to speak to more than one representative; all representatives should have enough intelligence to perform the job they are paid to do.

After writing the previous letter, I called customer solutions once more to get a direct e-mail address because your contact page limits you to 1201 characters. On the off chance that he may give me a different answer, I asked if there was a way to change my phone number without getting another phone. He was able to give me steps on how to program my phone after we hung up. It was extremely simple. I have no idea why everyone previous demanded that I call from a separate phone. How is it that three representatives, one of them being a supervisor, were not able to provide me with this simple service?

I consequently forgot to ask for a direct e-mail address, had to call one more time, and was pleasantly surprised to find a second competent employee. This would not be such a big issue, but every time I call customer solutions, I get the same runaround. No customer should get so frustrated that they just hang up. This seems to be a common theme with everyone I know that has Sprint service. Previous issues have included everything from them claiming that I reported my phone stolen so my service was canceled to something as simple as billing questions.

Joseph Burgess

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Re:, 01-27-06 5:39pm

We should publish a compilation of your customer service complaints. They bring me joy.

What's your icon this week hour?

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Re: Re:, 01-28-06 12:28am

Poster for the movie "Subject Two."

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