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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 5-6-2002 at 5:50pm
Current mood: crappy
Today had to be the crappiest day of my life. It sucked. I got yelled at alot, and I don't even know why. I swallowed a pen-cap, oh yeah, it's possible. Taryn couldn't stay for long, which kind of sucked, but it's not her fault, so I can't hold it against her. I just want school to be over, so I can stop worrying about it. blah, well, I'll talk to you later.
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Sorry, Hope Ya feel Better Atleast......, 05-06-02 8:22pm

A pen cap huh, how odd, how'd ya manage that one? Really? I wanna try :D j/k. Mrs. Shave Her is a real bitch so I really wouldn't worry bout that, and hope ya get your ring back soon...... LATA


Ps. I have a few questions you might be able ta answer bout Jon GLerum, would ya mind?

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