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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 2-28-2006 at 12:13pm
I think.. no I know that I am being slowly driven insane by my utter inability to do what I say I'm going to do... It's sort of like that "you can't do anything right" feeling, but with the conscienceness of knowing that it is infact your fault.

Damnit, I just did it again...

I'm thinking about chopping my hair all off, or letting it grow out. I'll let the democratic system decide this one... insert your votes.

I can see this making me feel bad about my looks...
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02-28-06 2:11pm

chop it off! you looked waaaaaaay hotter that way...

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02-28-06 2:37pm

super hot short!

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02-28-06 4:24pm

do what will make you happiest

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02-28-06 4:45pm

if you really don't care, longer hair is higher maintenance. shorter hair is easier to care for.

but long hair might get the ladies, i don't know. i know the girls get really pissed at me whenever i cut mine. they're all like "how could you?" and i'm always like "well, it was a pain in the ass, super warm, got in the way all the time, and took approximately an hour to shampoo. why do you think?"

it's your call.

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Re:, 03-01-06 1:40pm

I love your hair, and I always get mad when you cut it.. But it's hair, it grows back..

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02-28-06 11:15pm

Shaggy, but not too short.

You know what I mean. :)

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03-01-06 9:27am

i've been getting that feeling alot lately... "cant do anything right"

it sucks.

and about your hair... you could SHAVE your head and you'd still look good. (but dont take that literal.. dont REALLY shave your head)

i could see alot of people being angry at me for that one!

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Re:, 03-01-06 5:45pm

I think it would be cool to see what you like like with shorter hair, but not too short.. right in the middle, like your friend said.
And hey, sorry to hear that you're feeling kind of down. Will you be around for Spring Break? (the 5th-12th for us Grand Valleyians) I'll probably be back in GR at my house, so i'll be much closer by. We should do something.

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03-02-06 9:57pm

set it on fire.

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