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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 3-5-2006 at 11:41pm
November 8.

I love you.
We are so wonderful to each other. We belong together. We are so strong. We will become even stronger. I've never felt so peaceful wrapped in your arms. It all happens for a reason.
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03-12-06 10:13pm

This one.

And also, that's my nephew's birthday. He'll be 2.

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Re:, 03-14-06 6:17pm

Aw :-)

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03-15-06 10:56pm

ah, this is the "timeline" one. yeah, this one was incriminating.

2 + 9 = 11

i took calculus, remember?

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Re:, 03-16-06 2:24pm

dang! haha. :-)

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