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swimfan14 (profile) wrote,
on 3-17-2006 at 5:00pm
Today is St. Patricks Day. Do I even know what it is? Not really? I feel like a complete moron right now but I'm not Irish so I don't celebrate it and I know some people do even though they aren't Irish but I don't know what the whole meaning behind it is. I didn't even know it was St. Patricks Day today in the first place and when I got to school and seen everyone wearing green, well let's just say it sorta clicked. Everyone kept pinching me and I was just like fuck off.

I had a pretty embarrassing moment today. Elyse and I were in Seminar and we walked out and we went upstairs so I could turn in something to Mrs. Laidlaw for english and I was carrying my folder with the paper on top which I wrote in pencil and obviously my folder was up against my chest sorta since that's just how us girls carry our stuff and anyways I went to hand her my paper and she was like "what does all this say?" and I'm like "what are you talking about?" and she pointed and then I realized that half of the paper was smeared and I look down and like my whole shirt was covered with...well I don't even know what you call it..pencil smearings was embarrassing but good thing I had another shirt on under it.

Speaking of english...well I really hate that class. We are reading the dumbest book possiable and our class is almost finished and Kelli and I are still on chapter 3. I can't pay attention and I have no idea what is going on and we have this big test on it and we have to write an essay. School seriously sucks. I'm just going to go to sparknotes and read what happens so I somewhat pass the test.

I guess I'll take this just because everyone else has and it will entertain me for about three minutes.

I've kissed...
01. [x] on the cheek.
02. [x] on the lips.
03. [] on their hands or fingers.
04. [x] in my room.
05. [x] in their room.
06. [x] of the opposite sex.
07. [ ] of the same sex.
08. [x] a little younger than me.
09. [x] a little older than me.
10. [x] with black hair.
11. [X]with curly hair.
12. [X] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [ ] with red hair.
14. [x] with straight hair.
15. [ ] shorter than me.
16. [ ] with a lip ring.
17. [x] who i truly love/loved
18. [x] who was drunk.
19. [ ] who was high....
20. [x] in the morning.
21. [x] right after waking up.
22. [x] just before bed.
23. [x] late at night.
24. [X] who i had just met
25. [X ] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [x] just talking not dating.
27. [x] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [x] at school.
30. [x] against a wall
31. [ ] at a show.
32. [ ] at the beach.
33. [ ] at a concert.
34. [ ] in a pool.
35. [x] who was/is a good friend.
36. [] in the rain. (I want to though..we'd be like Allie and Noah)
37. [x] with a mole on their body
38. [] in the shower
39. [x] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [x] in the movies.
41. [] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [x] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [ ] under water
45. [] while driving
46. [X] a stranger
47. [ ] more than one person at once
48. [x] crying
49. [x] goodbye forever (I didn't really think it was goodbye forever but I obviously it was)
50. [x] when i was drunk.
51. [ ] who didn't speak english
52. [ ] in a hot tub
53. [] in an elevator
54. [x] an ex
55. [X] last night.
56. [X] Just today.

Well I guess I should go get ready to go to Aarons tonight. Have a good weekend everyone!

<3 Ashley Megan!!

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You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be.
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03-17-06 5:28pm

my whole shirt was covered with...well I don't even know what you call it..pencil smearings

Haha, nice. At least it wasn't on your forehead.

And what book are you reading?

[Heart] you.

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Re:, 03-17-06 5:32pm

Haha to be honest with you I don't know what it's called. I think it's The Lord of The Flies. It could be called something like that or I don't even know. That's how much I don't pay attention. I know the cover is green lol.

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Re: Re:, 03-17-06 5:35pm

Haha, yeah it's Lord of the Flies.

I remember reading that book, it was crazy!

Kill the pig, slit her throat!! ..that's all I remember from it, ah ha ha.

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Re: Re: Re:, 03-17-06 5:40pm

Haha yeah it's like "Kill the pig, slit her throat, spill her blood"

Something completely stupid like that.

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