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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-10-2006 at 10:38pm
goddamnit, you have to establish the acronym before you start using it, whore
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05-10-06 11:45pm

mbenznut: Bastard
TaoMan1121: whore
TaoMan1121: not!
TaoMan1121: mwahahahaa
TaoMan1121: i was thinking about you today... 'cause we never talk :'(
mbenznut: Yeah, I'm a bitch like that :-)
mbenznut: So, you saved paper mario in such a spot that I can't figure out how to get out.
TaoMan1121: lmao
TaoMan1121: i have to say, i was a little jealous when i read that
mbenznut: I can only get to what appears to be the final boss, and I want some practice before that.
TaoMan1121: ... all i remember is being at the final boss, or at least what i thought was the final boss
mbenznut: I was amazed at $15
TaoMan1121: yeah...
TaoMan1121: yeah, that's crazy... not TOO surprising though, considering it's been out for so long and i'm sure it's a "best-seller"
mbenznut: Yeah, but until last week it was $50
TaoMan1121: yeah, they tumble like that... remember that destory all humans game that came out for PS2, i just picked that up for $20 after it dropped from $50
mbenznut: Objection, she's not speaking english
TaoMan1121: who's that? the game?
mbenznut: BL
TaoMan1121: BL?
mbenznut: Boston Legal
TaoMan1121: aww fuck... i always forget :-P
mbenznut: I like the cookie
TaoMan1121: so what's the deal w/ this crane case?
TaoMan1121: it happened in nepal... how are they trying it here?
mbenznut: we cut funding for the hospital there, they're suing the USA
TaoMan1121: ahh i see
mbenznut: AHHH I hate Kay Jewlers
TaoMan1121: why did you send me a link to a story about kathy griffin? i can't stand that bitch
mbenznut: Funny video clip
mbenznut: You need a new sense of humor
TaoMan1121: haven't watched the clip yet, i'll do that next commercial break after this one
TaoMan1121: i like how denny and alan have pretty much exactly the same pin-striped suit
mbenznut: Chinese, mexican, anyone hungry?
TaoMan1121: hehe
TaoMan1121: ahhh! i can't keep up with your links!
mbenznut: How? There's three
TaoMan1121: yeah, tele, other surfing, convos going on
mbenznut: Loser
TaoMan1121: i don't get this last one...
TaoMan1121: and i hate you for the second one...
mbenznut: Sense of humor
mbenznut: Do you know what the second is?
TaoMan1121: yeah, what's up with that one (sense of humor)
mbenznut: google image search for sense of humor
mbenznut: I'm surprised you recognised it
TaoMan1121: how does doing a google image search explain the picture to me?
mbenznut: Which?
TaoMan1121: the sense of humor one, jackass
mbenznut: You lack a sense of humor.
TaoMan1121: ow
mbenznut: They're both sense of humor anyway
mbenznut: =-O
TaoMan1121: what?
mbenznut: You.
TaoMan1121: cock
mbenznut: Mmmm.
TaoMan1121: hehe
mbenznut: :-*
mbenznut: I'm sure you don't want that photo.
TaoMan1121: i'm sure i don't
TaoMan1121: wow... a conservative viewpoint that i totally agree with, freaky
mbenznut: Imagine that.
TaoMan1121: maybe it's just because i love his voice so much :-D
mbenznut: I always thought you were gay.
mbenznut: You still owe me that spatula!
mbenznut: :'(
TaoMan1121: hehe, i didn't replace it? god, i'm a bastard
mbenznut: You came with, but I ended up paying :-(
TaoMan1121: really? wow... how do i sleep at night?
mbenznut: And you stole a whisk.
mbenznut: What kind of friend are you? And you can't even cook.
mbenznut: I never stopped being your fake father, son.
TaoMan1121: i always knew it was the kitchen utensils that would come between us :-P
TaoMan1121: awwwwww
TaoMan1121: what did he just call her?
mbenznut: Dunno
mbenznut: I want beer
TaoMan1121: i have beer :-)
mbenznut: I should come visit.
mbenznut: Although it may be faster to wait until tomorrow.
TaoMan1121: you can have a beer for every utensil i ruined/pilfered :-)
mbenznut: I like how they refer to it as a tv show.
TaoMan1121: yeah... i liked the one a couple months ago where alan goes "denny, i haven't seen you at all this episode"
mbenznut: Yeah.
mbenznut: He's cute
mbenznut: Nick Lachey that is.
mbenznut: Video is good too
TaoMan1121: i have no response to that
mbenznut: Faggot.
TaoMan1121: holy irony...
mbenznut: Turn on MTV
mbenznut: You missed the girls with little clothing
TaoMan1121: i'm definitely NOT turning on MTV
mbenznut: What kind of "straight" "man" are you?
TaoMan1121: uhh...
mbenznut: "all I have to do to find the perfect man is to give birth to him"
TaoMan1121: where's that from
mbenznut: satc
TaoMan1121: goddamnit, you have to establish the acronym before you start using it, whore
mbenznut: sex and the city
TaoMan1121: ahh
mbenznut: Do you get discounts on software at your school?
TaoMan1121: not that i know of
mbenznut: A depression medication with the side effect of suicide?
TaoMan1121: sign me up!
mbenznut: bigery bobery boo
TaoMan1121: AHH!
TaoMan1121: ok, i'm off to bed
mbenznut: Freak
TaoMan1121: somehow that response doesn't surprise me...
mbenznut: So you've stopped denying it?
TaoMan1121: with you, i gave up a LONG time ago :-P
mbenznut: I'm honored

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