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chaosdecrepit (profile) wrote,
on 7-18-2006 at 2:19am
Current mood: sleepy
Music: God Killed The Queen - Louis XIV
Subject: skeet skeet motherfucker
skeet skeet god damn

Is bad gangster rap entertaining in the worst way possible?


Take 'Get Low' by Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz for example.

That song is on my iPod for its sheer awful goodness.



Austin: Why did you leave me Brittany? Why?

Me: “Wench.” He spat, jerking himself off of the bed. “If I were not bound to you…”

Me: “Wench.” He spat, jerking himself off

Austin: it's so true...

Austin: if I weren't bound to you, I'd be so lost...but so free... but lost...

Me: Ahahahaha!

Me: But your soul is mine.

Austin: and that's why I must incessantly jerk off while yelling at you.


Austin: One of three things will happen to let you know that hug is over...
1. I will pull away slowly and smile and be like "Yay", but on the inside.
2. I will never let you go, because I will have fallen so deeply in love with you that I would want you and I to become one.
3. I will sneak a peak at your bum and you will push away, offended, but secretly desiring me, and then looking at my bum when I walk away in my sweet pants.

Me: 4. Hell takes over the earth and we must become devil hunters to rescue what is left of humanity.

Austin: I guess that would stop a hug.


Goodnight Woohu.

(This is so amazing.)

Nikolai: The record player is built into a suitcase so it can be portable.

Nikolai: I've always wanted to go into a meeting and say "The first order of business" then open the suitcase " Is to party down!"
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awesomely weird, 07-18-06 5:01pm

just some short comments:
hell yeah @ God killed the Queen by Louis XIV

incredible laughter and amazement @ "skeet skeet motherfucker skeet skeet god damn"

that part with Austin is to weird for me to understand...maybe i should read it over some times....

and @ Nikolai:
holy living fuck, how incredibly awesome is this....i laughed so hard reading it...and it makes me laugh again if i just think of it....just the image thats in my head....oh my god this is so good

well....thats it for now xD

take care Britt

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Re: awesomely weird, 07-20-06 3:07am

Austin is strange/semi-creepy/loving and I am strange/semi-creepy/loving so that is probably why we get along so well and are friends. Being strange/semi-creepy/loving is the only way to be. :D

Nikolai is probably the cutest kid on the planet. And by kid I mean sixteen year-old. But I still kind of want to adopt him. <333

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07-19-06 2:19pm


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sflxks?, 07-19-06 2:21pm

Aha ha ha ha! That was me. h but you still don't know who it could be!!!

Hmm. Mind you, you are clevar. And I do enjoy that quote " “Wench.” He spat, jerking himself off"

Well finish at least one thing us so I can read it and enjoy it and then tell you of it.

Lotsa Love!!!

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Re: sflxks?, 07-20-06 2:59am

What a man, Hooliette, what a man!

He is a man of wax!

I really should. I'll probably write tonight. God damn. I need to stop saying and start doing. I still need a link to your livejournal so I can leave you lovelove comments.

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07-22-06 7:07pm

...o_o PARTY DOWN!

I think you have the only journal that I regularly laugh at while reading.

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