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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 7-31-2006 at 8:00pm
Myself, Jason, Michelle, and Andy in a chat, entirely weird outcome.
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07-31-06 9:21pm

That was crazy. I just remember Jason saying ROTFLMAOCOCKINMYHAND, you wanting somebody's ass, Andy telling me God hates my face, and me flailing in a hysterical manner.

Good stuff. I forgot to save it, damnit.

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Re:, 07-31-06 9:51pm

I was actually a little surprised when nobody posted the conversation in its entirety, or any part of it for that matter.

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Re:, 08-04-06 1:18pm

You have just entered room "chat3582009252112259062."
Dana21x: haha is this ghetto or what?
mbenznut: That it is.
TaoMan1121 has entered the room.
Dana21x: weeeeeeeeeeeee
TaoMan1121: oh god, here we go... ;-)
Dana21x: :-)
Dana21x: i haven't done this since like 1998
Dana21x: lol
mbenznut: First time for moi
TaoMan1121: mmm... chat virgin
TaoMan1121: look at joe trying to outdo us :-P
Dana21x: joe why am i looking at this webpge?
Dana21x: :-)
Dana21x: jason your name is
TaoMan1121: hmm... joe's is green for me, weird
TaoMan1121: yeah, seriously, why are we looking at this :-)
Dana21x:'s more expensive than ours
TaoMan1121: woohoo, i feel btter
TaoMan1121: *better
Dana21x: mmm
mbenznut: Yes but it is much nicer.
TaoMan1121: i think joe yet to learn that the messages don't beep in a chat room... oh there we go
Dana21x: i don't feel like paying over 1000 bucks / month.
Dana21x: lol...mine beeps
TaoMan1121: beep
Dana21x: its in preferences
TaoMan1121: beep
Dana21x: whore
TaoMan1121: beep
Dana21x: noes.
Dana21x: joe you suck at chatrooms. >:o
TaoMan1121: haha
Dana21x: a/s/l wanna cyber
mbenznut: This stupid thing doesn't flash like the other one.
WoodrowSkillson has entered the room.
Dana21x: andy.
TaoMan1121: lol
WoodrowSkillson: michelle
Dana21x: welcome to 1998
mbenznut: andy andy?
Dana21x: lol yes
TaoMan1121: no, andy bob
Dana21x: of the runty variety
TaoMan1121: heh
WoodrowSkillson: more liek awesome variety but whateever
Dana21x: :-P
WoodrowSkillson: Moving is not a good idea, never do it.
Dana21x: o joy.
WoodrowSkillson: just throw everything out and start over
TaoMan1121: ahh, the voice of optimism
mbenznut: Yeah, I've only done it every year for the last five years.
Dana21x: andy's moving into his own place, in case you guys didn't know
TaoMan1121: word.
WoodrowSkillson: dawg
mbenznut: No roomies anymore?
Dana21x: devin went nuts.
WoodrowSkillson: no
TaoMan1121: (see, i did a 1998 throwback! look at me! i'm funny!)
Dana21x: lol
Dana21x: ow
TaoMan1121: i'm nuts... you're moving in with me...
WoodrowSkillson: (you keep tellign yourself that jason)
Dana21x: i know =-O
WoodrowSkillson: god does nto liek cohabitation you two!
TaoMan1121: make it stop.
Dana21x: andy...what did you just say?
Dana21x: oh
WoodrowSkillson: god does not like cohabitation
TaoMan1121: you know, i'm starting to come to the realization that andy might not want us to move in :-P
mbenznut: Those two together will be more normal than Jason and I were.
Dana21x: god doesn't like your face
Dana21x: lol j.
WoodrowSkillson: OHHHHHHHHHHH
TaoMan1121: lol
WoodrowSkillson: ice burn
Dana21x: ::sizzle::
TaoMan1121: so mine beeps when I send a message... which is SO useless
Dana21x: lmao yeah
WoodrowSkillson: haha
WoodrowSkillson: I hate aim
TaoMan1121: hey guys... i'm making lunch! guess what it is?!
Dana21x: nibblers?
TaoMan1121: i hate your face :-)
Dana21x: texas tost?
Dana21x: :-)
WoodrowSkillson: turkey sandwich on whoel wheat
Dana21x: bagel
TaoMan1121: no, frozen pizza... i'm going to remove it with a spaluta now!
Dana21x: o god.
Dana21x: ::hides eyes::
WoodrowSkillson: be careful!
TaoMan1121: turkey sandwich on whole wheat... hehe
mbenznut: Don't damage the sink.
Dana21x: lol
mbenznut: And you still owe me a spatula, and a whisk.
TaoMan1121: hey, if it asks for it, i'll oblige
Dana21x: i'm having far too much fun right now. this is so embarrassing.
WoodrowSkillson: your face is embarassing
TaoMan1121: michelle's going to save this convo, and read it late at night
Dana21x: your sink did not ask for it
Dana21x: lol
Dana21x: when i hold my pillow & cry & masterbate
WoodrowSkillson: that is so hot
TaoMan1121: i asked the sink if it wanted it, it said, 'please sir, may i have another'
TaoMan1121: agreed
Dana21x: :-D
mbenznut: Well it does have a hole and will swallow almost anything ;-)
Dana21x: ::smacks forehead::
WoodrowSkillson: perfect girlfriend!
Dana21x: cheah!
TaoMan1121: lol
mbenznut: Now only if there was a brother.
Dana21x: i'll wear a strap on.
WoodrowSkillson: woohoo pegging in the hizzle!
Dana21x: lol.
mbenznut: Sorry, strap ons don't shoot the fun juice
Dana21x: LMAO
WoodrowSkillson: kool aid?
Dana21x: goddamnit joe
TaoMan1121: wow...
Dana21x: < TaoMan1121: getting a little flustered, with this much meat in one room? :-P
TaoMan1121: god knows, we are the pick of the litter
mbenznut: Don't flatter yourself Jason.
Dana21x: haaha
WoodrowSkillson: well I at least am
mbenznut: Andy and I are making up for the difference.
Dana21x: lol...awww
WoodrowSkillson: damn straight
TaoMan1121: ok, now we seriously sound like we are in 8th grade :-P
WoodrowSkillson: and there si nothing with that
TaoMan1121: i deem operation: pizza removal a rousing success
WoodrowSkillson: any collateral damage?
Dana21x: any burns?
TaoMan1121: negative sir
mbenznut: You had better not be getting the BBQ out.
Dana21x: raaaaaaaaaaanch.
WoodrowSkillson: good job, you get a gold star
TaoMan1121: woohoo
TaoMan1121: lol
WoodrowSkillson: that says #1 on it!
Dana21x: andy...go away.
Dana21x: =-O
TaoMan1121: and a chill filled the room...
Dana21x: lol
TaoMan1121: hehe :-)
mbenznut: Did you ever eat tasty wheat?
Dana21x: lmao
TaoMan1121: it's like mommy just beat daddy...
Dana21x: lmao
Dana21x: make it stop!!!
WoodrowSkillson: oh god that hurt so much
TaoMan1121: evidently enough to incapitate you
WoodrowSkillson: i need to go to the shower and cry
Dana21x: lol mike.
WoodrowSkillson: well I am packign as i am typing
TaoMan1121: lol]
mbenznut: Thinking of mommy beating daddy.
WoodrowSkillson: turns me ON
Dana21x: ahhhhhhhh
TaoMan1121: wait, packing turns you on? weird.
mbenznut: Well....
Dana21x: i like getting packed.
WoodrowSkillson: no you jackass
mbenznut: Packed in which way?
WoodrowSkillson: well duh you are the village bicycle
TaoMan1121: ::smacks forehead::
Dana21x: !!!
Dana21x: god i'm happy right now.
Dana21x: lalala
WoodrowSkillson: laaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Dana21x: i'm hungry. joe cook me somethin'
mbenznut: Fresh bread?
WoodrowSkillson: I'm hungry to, but no tiem for food here
Dana21x: ha.
mbenznut: Can't you be fed as you drive where you're going?
Dana21x: road head is fun.
TaoMan1121: lol, so random
Dana21x: mmm subway head.
mbenznut: How is that random? Doesn't mommy beat daddy on the road?
WoodrowSkillson: I never have recieved road head :-(
Dana21x: o noes!
Dana21x: go find a bitch!
WoodrowSkillson: and that is nto an invitation joe :mad:
Dana21x: lol
TaoMan1121: i'll make the subway face while you give me subway head :-P lalala
WoodrowSkillson: i met two girls last night
Dana21x: :-D
Dana21x: whore.
WoodrowSkillson: so there
WoodrowSkillson: will the world collapse if i start datign a black chick?
mbenznut: For some reason I've never wanted two girls.
WoodrowSkillson: who'd thunk that joe?
TaoMan1121: hehe, here i was expecting more of a narrative regarding these ladies, and boom, it's done
WoodrowSkillson: who'da*
Dana21x: it'd be funny if you still told racist jokes. you're worse than me
mbenznut: For some reason girls can't figure that out.
TaoMan1121: see!! see!1
WoodrowSkillson: we shall she, she is kinda nto a fan of racism
Dana21x: yeah blacks usually aren't :-P
TaoMan1121: lalala
WoodrowSkillson: but i did say the word nigger in ehr prsence, though that was quoting dave chapelle and boondocks
Dana21x: geez.
mbenznut: What a freak, racism is fun.
Dana21x: lol
WoodrowSkillson: well duh, makign fun of the coons picking cotton is always a good time
Dana21x: hey jason which race will i hate when i move there?? i forget..
mbenznut: And just think of the make-up sex.
WoodrowSkillson: the asians
TaoMan1121: all of 'em?
Dana21x: noes!
mbenznut: The gooks.
Dana21x: lol
WoodrowSkillson: yeah, angry black girl sex would be fun
Dana21x: gonads & strife
WoodrowSkillson: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
WoodrowSkillson: lol 98
TaoMan1121: mmm... reminds me of the good ol' days, me and brown sugga
Dana21x: ow.
Dana21x: oh
Dana21x: haha
TaoMan1121: hehe
Dana21x: what's her name?
mbenznut: You've never had brown suga jason
TaoMan1121: garbrielle union
Dana21x: ah yeah. she was on a tele show we liked.
TaoMan1121: mmm... black scully
WoodrowSkillson: Shawn but there might be some crazy spellign in there
WoodrowSkillson: she does liek x files
Dana21x: w/ red hair?? =-O tht's scary
mbenznut: The girl in Bad Boys?
WoodrowSkillson: I made the CSM killing MLK joke and she laughed
Dana21x: wait, what?
TaoMan1121: i think so joe, let me check
WoodrowSkillson: i was referrign to the black chick i met
Dana21x: yeah, but i don't know what joke you're talking about
TaoMan1121: is anybody listening to him?
Dana21x: lol
TaoMan1121: ;-)
WoodrowSkillson: we were discussing martain luther king jr
mbenznut: Of course I'm listening to the cute one
Dana21x: <<<<<<< mbenznut: Martain?
TaoMan1121: wait? what
WoodrowSkillson: and eventually i said, "yeah that kinda sucks that the ciggarette smoking man had to kill him"
TaoMan1121: AHHHH!!!
Dana21x: ohhh ok.
Dana21x: shhh jason shhh
Dana21x: have some pizza.
mbenznut: And some miller
TaoMan1121: it's gone :-(
TaoMan1121: mmm! i want some miller!
TaoMan1121: miller time... mm
mbenznut: Any bottles left to put on the toes?
Dana21x: oh no.
Dana21x: lol!
TaoMan1121: yeah, syd from bad boys II
TaoMan1121: what a poopie movie
Dana21x: :-D
Dana21x: you spell poopy funny
TaoMan1121: you spell your face funny
TaoMan1121: i spell it C-U-N-T
TaoMan1121: :-D
Dana21x: you're cut off.
mbenznut: Icky.
WoodrowSkillson: I spell it R-E-L-I-E-F
Dana21x: R E S P E C T
Dana21x: OH MY GOD
WoodrowSkillson: im doign that right now
TaoMan1121: that made me giggle
Dana21x: i....i want one.
WoodrowSkillson: NO
TaoMan1121: mmm... contradicting statements
mbenznut: Wanna play with mine?
Dana21x: wait.
TaoMan1121: lol
Dana21x: wait.
WoodrowSkillson: I volanteer jason for that task
WoodrowSkillson: volunteer*
TaoMan1121: mmm... mindfuckin' michelle
Dana21x: ::cums::
mbenznut: Well you do have two hands.
Dana21x: joe...we all have been blessed w/ two hands.
WoodrowSkillson: ::blows the biggest load ever and knocks a hole in the wall::
Dana21x: ewwwwwwwwwwww
WoodrowSkillson: every time baby
Dana21x: no
mbenznut: Aww, and nobody there to help clean it up.
Dana21x: nah just leave it & move out
WoodrowSkillson: it travels fast enough that the frictio nwith the air urns it up
WoodrowSkillson: burns*
Dana21x: i want to die.
mbenznut: I've always wanted to try killing someone.
TaoMan1121: wait... he's moving too? wtf
TaoMan1121: now i want to die.
Dana21x: omg. yes, bebe he's moving in a 1 bedroom by himself. as dicussed YESTERDAY!
mbenznut: Not you jason, you'd scream too much
Dana21x: i know :-)
Dana21x: it was in this convo ^ up there
WoodrowSkillson: 2 bedroom actually
mbenznut: But it was mentioned earlier
Dana21x: oh.
WoodrowSkillson: for 525
TaoMan1121: that wasn't yesterday...
mbenznut: What's the second for?
Dana21x: i'm a compulsive liar.
Dana21x: i have 3 tits.
WoodrowSkillson: possible roommate
Dana21x: psh. nobody wants you
TaoMan1121: ::spork::
WoodrowSkillson: and the location is great
WoodrowSkillson: thats not what your mom said
TaoMan1121: is it in new york? 'cause that's the only good location left..
TaoMan1121: lmao
Dana21x: ^^ bIATCH!
WoodrowSkillson: yeah if you like jewish buisnessmenn all up in tyour grill
Dana21x: haha.
mbenznut: They're in the walls!
Dana21x: lol
TaoMan1121: wow
Dana21x: ah shit, i need to get stuff done. i have to go cancel my lease & so WMU can be pissed at me. awesoem.
TaoMan1121: well, as much fun as this is... i need to accomplish something today
TaoMan1121: woohoo... screw WMU
Dana21x: ^^
Dana21x: weee
mbenznut: Aww, I thought I'd taught you better.
Dana21x: ?
TaoMan1121: me
Dana21x: ah
TaoMan1121: "acomplishing something"
mbenznut: Yup.
WoodrowSkillson: i stil lam accomplishing shit bitches
Dana21x: ok well you folks have a lovely day.
WoodrowSkillson: PEACE OUTSIDE
WoodrowSkillson has left the room.
mbenznut: k.
Dana21x: wow
TaoMan1121: trust me, i lived up to your teachings over the weekend
Dana21x: aww
TaoMan1121: ok everybody have a good day :-)
mbenznut: That's expected on the weekend.
TaoMan1121: heh yeah
mbenznut: you too
Dana21x: mmm thanks you too
Dana21x: bye :-)
TaoMan1121: bye
Dana21x has left the room.

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Re: Re:, 08-05-06 12:57am

Guess I asked for that one... :-P

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