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impersonality (profile) wrote,
on 8-23-2006 at 11:56pm
Music: [Descendents] + [Catalina]
Subject: Schedule in the hizzay!
1. Biology Adv
2. German II
3. Computer III
4. English Adv 10
5. Am Cult II Adv 10
6. Geometry Acc
7. Adv. Art Studio
8. Phys. Ed. 9-10 /

k so.. Biology for homeroom .___. hmm...

So, the UP sides of having PE, it's last period so I don't have to worry about messing up my hair, or being tired and sweaty/wet for the rest of the day. Plust since it's first semester, after it's over, IT'S OVER BABY! (my anxiety in the class is just getting worse by the year, if i got help it wouldn't be so bad, but i downplay it a lot. ^^;)

The DOWN side since it's first semester i can't dye my hair until after pool class... cuz of the chlorine... damn... and.. it's first semester.

Only one class with Als, but it might just make us in A lunch again. That was coo' xD
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08-27-06 1:09pm

wth is pt? O:

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