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sike-a-delic_grasshopper (profile) wrote,
on 9-21-2006 at 9:38pm
So I'm going backpacking tomorrow. In the UP. It's supposed to be cold. And rainy. Should be fun. Ummmm yeah. In other news, I'm trying to figure out if the Psalters are worth going home for. Home being home and all. Also I haven't gotten high since Monday without hardly even trying. It's giving me deja vu like crazy. Like yesterday I was talking to my roomate and we were talking about....I don't remember what but somehow the conversation got to Madonna and I was like "We just had this same conversation a week ago." And she was like "No, dude, you just think that cause you haven't smoked weed in awhile." So...... moral of the story: don't do drugs unless you are prepared to have weird mental processes.
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09-21-06 11:05pm

good for you!

Psalters are worth going to the Moon for.

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09-21-06 11:17pm

Mmm...I don't do drugs, I drink the new ultra on-crack Mr. Pibb extra or ultra or whatever. One glass was equal to a couple of hard ciders in my system.

I don't wanna go home yet, but I wanna see my mommy and possible friends who might be there.

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