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lisa3019 (profile) wrote,
on 10-4-2006 at 8:40am
Subject: going to the doctor's SUCKS

I have an appointment today at 10:15.
Yesterday while Justin was at work, I chilled with my mom like I do every day he's there.
He came home early and called but it was just as mummy was making me grilled cheese!!
So of course I had to stay and eat it!! Grilled cheese is one of my absolute favorites!!

Afterwards, I went to Justin's and he was going to basketball for 7:00, so I went to Gabes with my mommy and she bought me all these sweat pants and hoodies because I have 0.

After that, I met Serg & Cam out at Val's and then went to Jenna's.
Me and Jenna sat on her porch and talked for what seemed to be 5 minutes, but when I looked down at my phone, it was already time for me to pick bubber up at basketball!!
(and i was going to be late... =/ )

We went to Johnny's for a little bit and then we went home.
We usually pass out super early.
I don't know why, we were talking about that the other day..
everyone our age goes to bed super late and we are in bed at liek 10.
?? we're so 30-years-old.

I dunno.
So this morning he was leaving for work and I put on some clothes and went to my mom's house to get ready for my doctor's appointment.
Pete's in the shower now so I figured I'd update real quick like every morning.

and if this entry bores you and you came for the drama
here it is:

Sarah IMed me a couple minutes ago.
I closed it out because I was going to ignore her like I always try to do.. but hey.. I'm bored.. why not piss her off and sit here and laugh?
Plus, I found it funny that she IMed me asking her why I talk about her when she is the one going around school telling everyone I'm pregnant.

Here's how the conversation went after I closed her out:

meehan0125: because you cant seem to keep my name out of your mouth
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: HAHAHAH WHAT?!?!?!? omg lisa. get over it! i NEVER talk about you seriously. u are NOTHING to me and i thought u grew up too. stop talking about me. i never talk about you let alone think about you. u and i both kno taht i dont talk about you
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: i dont even have a problem with you????
meehan0125: i dont talk to anybody except liek the five friends i have and my boyfriend.  i have better things to talk about than you.  the only time your name is ever mentioned is when someone is telling me they saw you and you look ugly or something gay liek that and im just like, "cool,"  or when WHEN-- someone is telling me how you are talking about ,e
meehan0125: like how jones said you told the whole school im pregnant?
meehan0125: bubber just said you have nothing better going on in your life that you have to consistantly say my name
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: hahahaha.
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: you kno i didnt
meehan0125: pssshht yeah right, it wasnt just jones.. i heard it from a LOT of people that you told them i was pregnant
meehan0125: i was like, "cool."
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: i dont even care about you lisa. really...... grow the fuck up already. i NEVER say your name and i dont fuckign care about you. so just stop running yor mouth about me
meehan0125: like, i really dont care, im not in hgih school and i havent been in that school in like a whole year and yet people are still talking about me there.  i couldnt care less
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: thats all i gotta say
meehan0125: ill run my mouth about whoever i want
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: no body ever talks about you
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: yea. sure
meehan0125: its jsut that i have better things to talk about than you and the only time you're brought up is by someone else
meehan0125: and when someone brngs you up, i have my opinions and i am welcome to say them to whoever i want, whenever i wnat
DuDe iTs ChUbBy:yeaaaa that must be why sumone copied and pasted MY picture from your blog, and MY name  MILLION timeas
meehan0125: like how christina said you had to yell across the room to sonny and ask ehr "when she was expecting," THREE TIMES so christina would hear
meehan0125: and then i get all these text messages in the middle of the day saying that you are going around school talking about me
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: HAHAHAHA. thats so funnyt cuz sumone said "is sonny pregnant??" so i asked her ONCE
meehan0125: yeah right, good coincidence
meehan0125: i know you're a little liar, so i don't even want to listen to what you have to say
DuDe iTs ChUbBy:hahhaa okay
meehan0125: i dont know why you bothered IMing me
meehan0125: yeha and each time your name is in my blog, its because ive heard some shit that you are saying about me, or how i find it funny that you can't grow up
DuDe iTs ChUbBy: for sum reason u thibnk that ppl actually find u interesting to tal about???well your wrong hunnie. your a piece of pathetic worthless shit and u might as weel kill yourself. go ahead and talk about me cuz EVERYONE already knows ur jealous of me STILL anf wanna have sex with me. grow the fuck up and go find sum other bitch to be jealous of u fuckin scum ball
DuDe iTs ChUbBy signed off at 8:37:03 AM.

She lies so much it's unbelievable.
People read my journal and "tell her about it," and she NEVER reads it, yet she loaded this page at Oct 4 08:26:20 AM.
And I'm sure if she was asking Sonny if she was pregnant, she wouldn't have been yelling across the room, "SONNY! WHEN ARE YOU EXPECTING?!" in a sarcastic voice with a smile on her face.
Don't be scared I'm going to beat you up, Sarah. I'm pregnant, remember?? =)
Bitches are so unbelievably STUPID.
Look how much she had to say because of how bad I was getting to her.
I can sit there and ADMIT every single word I've ever said about her and then answer her questions and give her the reasons for why I did them and she still has to sit there and deny ever saying my name when I heard it from a million people.
Ugh. Cool.

Well, Pete's out, it's time for my shower.
I mean.. not shower.. because I'm a dirtball.. or whatever she said.
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10-04-06 12:44pm

ugly girls need to be schooled about hotties like lisa meehan

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10-05-06 9:21am

is this bitch for real never gonna grow up?

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