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triple (profile) wrote, on 10-16-2006 at 10:32am |
ok ok ok,
It appears that, me, myself, Craig D lund the 2nd,
is getting
A.$200 Fine(no 500 or 1000 a year for 2 years)
B.2-4 points
C. Comunity service >.>
I dooo Have to go see a Booze assesment gal/guy, which is gunna cost $70
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 jayzulla | 10-19-06 6:50pm that would be fucked up. its a legislative thing about the 500 and 1000 thing. i dont know how they can waive that. what did they tell you?
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Triple | Re:, 10-19-06 8:10pm Dude, I have no Idea,
He read Told me how I could be punished, $200 Fine+the cost to be held by the police (maybe but the states broke so I'll prolly have to pay that $100-200, but that also depends on the outcome of the Alcohol Assessment) Then he told me the points I may or may not get 0-2-4(depends on the Booze assessment), then he told be community service(also depends on the booze test), He didn't mention the 500-1000 bucks for the 2 years, like he did with the other people, There where 2 other people that Got what I did, OWI but their number where alot higher, (I remember one blew .12) He told them that they will have to pay that $500-$1000
The only thing I can think of is my numbers, my cop said I blew .06 across the board, my roll over with the Fiero is off my record too according to Sirvoss (I asked him about the 2nd Off on that peice of paper I got from Jail) He said that this was my first fuck up in a Car ever (???) I pled Guilty, but he said he accepted my plea of Gulity and didn't change it to a not gulity(He did that for the younger looking girl with the OWI)
I have no clue man, I gotta go back the 27th of NOV, and I have my Assessment this SAT. at 2PM, we'll have to get drunk later on.
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