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sike-a-delic_grasshopper (profile) wrote,
on 11-25-2006 at 10:01pm
Current mood: bored
siiiiiigh.....I will return to central without seeing any of my old chums probably. I'll have to try harder over christmas.
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11-25-06 10:43pm

aww sorry : ( brett said he tried to call you on friday...

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Re:, 11-25-06 10:44pm

this "break" just wasn't long enough anyways.

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Re:, 11-26-06 10:31am

yeah I called him back but I couldn't get ahold of him.

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11-26-06 12:16am

Eh, I didn't try very hard either. I agree with Kyle, this break was way too short. Oh well, just three more weeks then it'll be christmas break! Whee!

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11-26-06 10:29pm

I didn't try very hard either.

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11-27-06 12:53am

I saw the old chum bucket on boxing day@

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