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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 2-26-2003 at 2:27pm
Current mood: sad
Music: none
Subject: Dark or light... shaken or stirred
This is sad, all I can think about is Justin. Sad and pathetic I know. I must do something about it, but I can't. I have no money. I need a job but no one will hire ugly girls. Too bad I am not as cute as rachel, with her blonde hair and blue eyes.
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02-26-03 2:42pm

Ally~ When are you gonna get it into your head that im not cute? Im fucking ugly. You are prettier than me. Trust me. You are. And if people dont hire you, then it is bc they are fucking stupid.

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02-26-03 8:20pm

Hey! You are too cute!! :P Both of ya are!

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Re:, 02-27-03 3:54pm

haha thank you! (you too)

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02-27-03 3:25pm

lets see...Dark....both shaken and stirred

You are very pretty and sexy i might add

*drools some more*

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Re:, 02-27-03 3:55pm

Sure, but thank you. haha

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