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ratherbridin (profile) wrote,
on 12-18-2007 at 10:36am
Music: My Yahoo music station - it effin rocks!
Subject: ups, downs, love, and all the other bull shit
I haven't written anything in a long while, not in any journal, or blog or anywhere. Sometimes there's really just nothing to say. For the past few weeks, maybe even months, I've been pretty down. Things just haven't been going my way lately it seems. My job is fine, except a few recent changes...but I understand why they had to do it, so it'll be okay.

I found a second job within a week...back to work at Grand Ridge Farms. Which I'm totally pumped up about. I was in the best mood I've been in for quite a while after findint out how happy Teri was to get me back working there. Only thing is I'm not sure how well my body is going to be able to handle working 7 days a week. Hopefully it'll be alright. If I'm doing something I enjoy, I should stay healthy I think.

I'm not really healthy right now. I've got the Ebstien Barr Virus. That's the thing that Mono is made up of. Most people build an immunity to it after having it once. But my body can't build the immunity. I can get flare ups at any time, and they can last about 6 weeks. Now think, if I get 3 or 4 flare ups in one year, that's about half my year shot to hell. Explains a lot about this past year and why I've felt so shitty. Also found out I have a very high likelihood of getting lupus. oohhhh great. more shit to deal with. I'll try a lot harder to take care of myself, eat right, sleep enough, not do too much, and excersice a little (which is what I'm thinking my second job is going to take care of). This whole dealy causes my spleen to enlarge, which causes me some discomfort occasionally, but nothing too serious. I can still ride even when it's enlarged, no contact sports though...and I have to be careful not to bump into things, as I could rupture my spleen. Sometimes I like to make things seem more dramatic then they really are....even though this is not a big couuuuld happen!

Sam and I are going to Kansas in less than 2 weeks. I'm pretty excited. It will just be he and I for 3 whole days. Lots of time in the car, which kinda sucks, but that's okay. I think we'll have fun anyway. I'm usually incredibly happy with any time spent with him. I've only been with him since August (we just figured this out yesterday, cause neither of us really care how long we've been together). It's pretty cool really...things that mattered with other people, they don't matter for us. It doesn't matter who you've dated, where you've been, what you've done...we are who we are...and we love eachother that way no matter what's made us this way. Does that make sense? Probably not if you don't have the same kind of relationship, but if you makes sense and it makes you smile, becuase you think about that person your with, and somehow they take away all the cares in the world.

I'm not really feeling too well today. I woke up about 3 am, feeling like could puke...and couldn't fall back to sleep for shit. Finally got to sleep closer to 4 am...woke up about 4:30 am and puked my guts out for a few minutes. I'm not sure what caused could be pills, or it could be the flu, I know my friend from work has the flu, and the rest of her family has it. yuck. oh well...if I get it, I get it. Not much I can do!

I hate the holidays, just so everyone (well, Lindsey is teh only one who reads this I'm sure) knows....I just hate em.

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12-19-07 7:59pm

I know the whole relationship thing a ma doo that you are talking about, maybe not to that complete extent but I have realized that I really like him. I am slightly jealous that you can rope and I cannot. Maybe sometime you can teach me the basics and I can take it from there.

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