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angel_bob (profile) wrote,
on 4-8-2008 at 11:02pm
I have two papers due the week after next week. One in French (6-8 pages) and one that was going to be in French but thankfully is in English (6-? pages). I kind of want to get them started/done beforehand because I am going away next weekend but I don't know if that's going to happen.

Our French class is having dinner at our prof's house on Friday. That's going to be exciting. He was apparently pretty pumped about it today in class.

There was an incident on campus last week and I am going to the Student Senate meeting tomorrow to talk about it. I will tell you more about it later, Nick wants to hang out for a bit.
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04-09-08 12:37am

Voici le début de votre document, Rachel. J'ai écrit à l'aide de Google translator.

Lorsque je vivais en France. Il est très joli. Il y avait des maisons soignées, et il est relaxant. Les gens sont tellement gentils. J'aime tout le monde là-bas, sauf pour les policiers, qui m'a sifflé à tort. La France est très fantaisiste et a beaucoup d'art, comme la Mona Lisa. J'espère un jour être un Français.

J'aime quesadillas et carne asada. J'aime aussi danser la salsa. Attends, je pense au mauvais pays!

En conclusion, la France est cool. Alors, le professeur. Et expecially l'aide du professeur, qui est ce classement. Vous êtes belle. Rawrr.

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Re:, 04-09-08 1:09am

ps does it have anything to do with that knife fight or whatever it was that happened in November?

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Re:, 04-09-08 12:19pm

tres amusant.

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