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lush (profile) wrote,
on 8-22-2009 at 1:28am
I will waste, Squander days in splendid squalor. Take and,..; take in.

Take me to take you to let me take this with you.

I will roll around and rot in the muck of this palace, absorbing (, dissolving. Dilute my body; blend with the systems, follow the cycles, beat the beats they imbue, the beats of this city). I will forage for meals in the trash, quench my thirst in overflowing gutters. I will soak up the sludge, find myself deep down in it. Pull me up from below, belittle then blow blow blow those cheeks, fill that throat throat throat to the lungs, sagging now sunk. push push punsh punch push pust puts his body from limp now to rigid, contracted description, the muscles flex and tense and

where was I?
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08-22-09 3:04pm

It's raining.

(reply to this)


Re: , 08-23-09 3:08am

Weather, it does that.

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